How can we help?

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Special Requests

Special requests can often be accommodated by your cleaner and may include the following:

  • Windows (inside) - dusting, glass cleaning
  • Oven/stove - removing debris, scrubbing using oven cleaner
  • Refrigerator - throwing away expired food, wiping shelves, & organizing
  • Baseboards - brushing, wiping, & vacuuming
  • Laundry - washing, drying, & folding clothes
  • Cabinets - removing debris & organizing


Want to include extras?


  1. Go to your dashboard, and select your upcoming cleaning under 'Upcoming appointments'.
  2. Click 'Edit Details', and pick the extras that you want to add.
  3. Once you're done, click 'Submit'.

You may also reach out to your cleaner about your extra requests if you did not add them during your initial booking, and they will add the correct amount of time to the appointment for your desired tasks.

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